Monday, December 31, 2018

Constitucion Casa Mac Iver, Chile

Castro Seccion 5 Fernandez Ricardo Altman Hidalgo Rojas Parraguez Idea La estimate surge a raiz de la experiencia cercana de una de nuestras compan terms de grupo.Ella es beaten(prenominal) directo de los macintosh-Iver y todos los veranos solia pasar parte de las vacaciones cabbage la familia en la ca tidingsa de Constitucion la que albergaba a mas de 60 personas (tal como lo mostraban en Chile intimo Las vacaciones de TVN). Lamentablemente, esta tradicion esta limitada, ya que la colonial casona, se encuentra hustle danos sculpture producto del terremoto del 27 de febrero. ObjetivoNuestro objetivo chief(prenominal) es querer demostrar que a pesar de la vida rapida e inexpresiva que vivimos dia a dia, es necesario adoectarse bunco game la familia y las raices, contacto que creemos es primordial mirror symmetry tener un desarrollo pleno, es asi como tomamos como ejemplo la casona de Constitucion un lugar familiar e importante que en estos momentos significa space-reflectio n symmetry la familia mackintosh-Iver mucho mas que un punto de encuentro ya que ahora es la fuente donde desembocaran todas genus Sus energias parity bit volver a ponerla de pie. Constitucion (1794)Constitucion se encuentra en la orilla de la desembocadura del Rio Maule en el Oceano Pacifico. La ciudad se encuentra limitada por varios cerros, siendo el mas importante el cerro Mutrun, situado cerca de la desembocadura. Los lugares tipicos mas importantes de Constitucion son la Piedra de la Iglesia, el Penon de Calabocillos, la Piedra de los Enamorados y la Piedra del Elefante. La zona donde se encuentra la ciudad fue antes de la llegada de los espanoles un lugar de pesca y refugio de los indigenas changos y mapuches.Hubieron muchos intentos por establecer un poblado permanente en la zona, en 1791 se establecio una propuesta oficial a cargo de Santiago Onederra. En 1793, el gobernador de Chile Ambrosio OHiggins autoriza la fundacion de la villa bajo el nombre de Nueva Bilbao. En 1828, se le rebautiza con el nombre actual en watch over a la Constitucion de 1828 que se estrenaba en ese entonces. pic El Fundador pic enthalpy mackintosh Iver (1815 1877), el fundador de la familia de ese apellido en Chile, fue un marino de origen escoces, que por azar llego a al costa de Valparaiso, durante 1835 debido a un naufragio. macintosh Iver se quedo en Chile recuperandose de su accidente y en 1847 se le otorga la nacionalidad chilena, lo que le permitiria comprar varias 37 embarcaciones a lo slow de su vida. En 1841 conocio a Leonor Rodriguez (1819 1887) y el 2 de febrero de de 1843 se casa con ella. east southeast mismo henry comienza la construccion de la que seria La Casa macintosh Iver. El 15 de Julio de 1844 nace su primogenito, Enrique mackintosh Iver, luego lo hace su segunda hija Flora macintosh Iver el 20 de junio de 1846. Despues nacerian 6 hijos mas. Al fallecer, su viuda, Leonor, lo reemplazaria en la cabeza de la familia hasta su muerte por colera en 1887.Ambos estan sepultados en el cementerio de Constitucion pic Enrique Mac Iver pic El primogenito de Henry Mac Iver , capitan escoces, Enrique Mac Iver Rodriguez (Constitucion, 15 de Julio de 1844 Santiago, 21 de Agosto de 1922), quinto dueno de la casa, fue quien refacciono y amplio decididamente. Este hombre se destacaria a lo largo de su vida como importante abogado y destacado congresista por 46 anos, alcanzando lo mas altos puestos como political leader diputado, senador, ministro del estado y pre-candidato presidencial en dos ocasiones.Ademas seria nan Mestre de la Masoneria Chilena (1887-1894), debiendo decretar que la masoneria descansara mientras duro la guerra elegant de 1891, para evitar que la grave contienda se infiltrara en ella. Quizas una de genus Sus actuaciones publicas mas importantes se encuentre en su firme papel de opositor a la presidencia de Jose Manuel Balmaceda. Contrajo matrimonio con Emma Ovalle Gutierrez, con quien tuvo descendencia. Historia de la casa La propiedad en un principio estuvo constituida por un pedazo de terreno con tres frentes exclusivamente el principal (hacia Bulnes), el squinty por la calle Prieto, y hacia el sur, por la calle OHiggins.Este terreno fue la parte original (bench del Medio), el patio del cuidador y el arena bodegas, lighter terrace de los Crespones, junto a una arboleda en la parte trasera de la casa. De manera simultanea Henry Mac Iver comenzo a edificar en un terreno aledano (Bulnes esquina Prieto) una casa que dejaria para renta, hoy el terrace del Nispero. Al fallecimiento de su mujer Leonor, se llevo a cabo el remate de la casa junto con otras propiedades. La casa se dividio entre los hijos del matrimonio.Enrique, Leonor y David se quedaron con la casa y genus Sus otros hermanos fueron compensados con otras propiedades en el mismo pueblo. Con el tiempo Enrique le compraria a genus Sus hermanos la propiedad, quedandose como unico dueno de ella (1917). Seria el quien modernizaria la C asa, dandole la fisonomia con la actualmente la conocemos. Los terremotos de Talca de 1929 y de Chillan de 1939, especialmente el primero, dejaron a la casa a muy mal traer. Los muros de adobe del Patio del Medio estan todos amarrados con grandes vigas de roble, lo que no ocurre con los de los patios aterales. Luego de ambos terremotos, se ataron con largos tensores de acero. En 1954 el Rio Maule se desbordo, llegando hasta la Plaza misma la gente que andaba en botes por las calles.La Casa sufrio la inundacion, soportandola relativamente bien el Patio del Medio se salvo por estar en altura, pero los restantes no. En vida Enrique Mac Iver la casa alcanzo su maximo esplendor, asi como extension. La Casa Mac Iver constituye un ejemplo, de los que hay pocos en Chile, de una propiedad que se ha mantenido desde su construccion en manos de la misma familia. pic Entrada Principal pic Escritoria Enrique Mac Iver pic beauty parlour Principal pic Ante Salon pic Comedor principal pic Patio del Cuidador pic Patio del Medio pic Patio de los Crespones La Familia Mac Iver Ubicada en plena ciudad, la casa Mac Iver es todo un simbolo. De estilo colonial, con genus Sus adobes intactos y zonas que denotan el evidente paso del tiempo, sigue siendo el centro de reunification de una enorme familia que no se pierde ni por nada el veraneo en este caseron de 165 anos. parole ocho generaciones que han sabido mantenerla y respetar su espiritu, habitando con orgullo cada uno de sus 40 dormitorios, 16 banos, 3 comedores, tres patios y salones. En Constitucion, a la casa de los Mac Iver se llega preguntando. Son pocos los que no conocen esta construccion colonial de un piso, que por 165 anos ha ocupado la manzana comprendida por las calles Bulnes, Pinto, Prieto y que hoy muestra sus muros de adobe descascarados, con graffitis en alguna esquina y ventanas tapeadas para evitar que rompan sus vidrios.Asi oculta un mundo interior desconocido para quienes pasan frente a ella, un pasado glorios o que inspira curiosidad. Ha sido gracias a las reglas que se han traspasado y respetado, que todo luce mas o menos como en los tiempos de sus abuelos, bisabuelos, tatarabuelos y choznos. Los ninos no entran al salon, a la salita ni al escritorio (sectores que lucen intactos) hasta que cumplen los 14 anos. La tradicion dice que tampoco, hasta esa edad, pueden sentarse a la mesa del comedor grande, que aun con sus treinta sillas, prohibe el ingreso a los menores.Habia otras construcciones senoriales importantes alrededor, que ya no existen, cuando Constitucion era un anti-racketeering law balneario de la alta sociedad talquina. Las propiedades que valian, se botaron. Actualmente, la familia organiza sus visitas repartiendose los tres patios que articulan la casa el del medio (que es el original), el del Nispero y el de los Crespones, que se unieron al nucleo central hacia 1904. Los 40 dormitorios y 16 banos que los rodean estan asignados a cada una de las ramas Mac Iver, y si bien no todas las piezas estan en el mismo estado de conservacion, hay algunas que se han recuperado.En una de ellas dormia una de las hijas de Enrique Mac Iver Rodriguez, que hoy mantiene el mismo mobiliario de fines del siglo XIX, las cortinas y sus camas de bronce. En esta familia hay una renovacion de las ganas por venir. Para los Mac Iver tiene un valor sentimental mas alla del historico y arquitectonico. Nosotros vamos a Constitucion, pudiendo ir a otros lados, porque tenemos un contacto fisico con algo que nos recuerda a nuestros antepasados y seres mas queridos cuenta un Mac Iver Punto de encuentro y entretencion, los veraneos aqui son esperados durante todo el ano.Grandes y chicos lo han hecho el mejor lugar para pasar sus vacaciones, con los tradicionales paseos en lancha, las idas a la playa y al rio, las excursiones, la peregrinacion cada Viernes Santo al cerro Mutrun. Los almuerzos a las dos en punto previo toque del gong, las noches de peliculas en el Patio del Medio. Todos los muebles, rincones y habitaciones hablan de una historia familiar que se renueva cada vez que vuelven. Antes era febrero el mes de apertura oficial de sus puertas y nadie iba durante el ano.Hoy, con casi cien huespedes habituales, la casa da la bienvenida desde septiembre y cierra sus salones en Semana Santa pic 27 de Febrero de 2010 El sismo del 27 de Febrero es considerado como el segundo mas fuerte en la historia del pais y uno de los cinco mas fuertes registrados por la humanidad. El terremoto ocurrio a las 0334 a. m, tuvo una magnitud de 8,8. El epicentro fue en el mar frente a Curanipe y Cobquecura a 150 kilo tubes de Concepcion. El sismo tuvo una duracion de 2 minutos 45 segundos.Las zonas mas afectadas por el terremoto fueron las regiones de Valparaiso, Metropolitana de Santiago, OHiggins, Maule, Biobio y La Araucania. En las regiones del Maule y el Biobio, el terremoto alcanzo una intensidad de IX en la escala de Mercalli, devastando gran parte de ciudades como Constituc ion, Concepcion, Cobquecura y el puerto de Talcahuano. Los muertos ascendieron a una cantidad de 521. Hay alrededor de medio millon de viviendas severamente danadas. Y se estiman 2 millones de damnificados. El terremoto fue la peor tragedia natural vivida en Chile desde 1960.Al terremoto lo siguio un tsunami que destruyo aun mas los pueblos costeros afectados por el movimiento. . Esta masa de agua a gran velocidad golpeo la costa chilena, alcanzando las localidades costeras de las regiones del Maule y el Biobio. En Constitucion, la cifra de muertos fue de 172. Luego de que el impacto del terremoto destruyera gran parte de las viviendas, media hora despues vino la primera de tres olas que entraron a Constitucion, superando los 8 metros cada una. Estas hicieron subir considerablemente el nivel del mar la que se transformo en una pared de agua que entro hasta la Plaza de Armas de la ciudad.Gran parte de los fallecidos corresponden unas doscientas personas que al momento del terremoto e staban acampando en la isla del Maule, ubicada sobre la ribera de este. Las antiguas edificaciones de adobe de Constitucion quedaron totalmente destruidas. Mas de la mitad del casco historico quedo en el piso, incluyendo diversos monumentos historicos y centenarias construcciones de origen colonial. El maremoto que afecto a Constitucion tambien produjo serios danos en las plantas de celulosa de CELCO, por lo que debieron suspenderse las actividades industriales (principal sustento de los maulinos junto a la pesca).Despues de que fue afectada por las 3 olas del tsunami. La casa de los Mac Iver soporto el terremoto, pero se vino abajo luego que el agua que desbordo el Maule. Se midio un metro de agua dentro de la casa. Las paredes de adobe no aguantaron y muchas se vinieron abajo, otras quedaron con serios danos estructurales. Salvar la construccion original de adobe con paja (unica en Chile) es imposible ademas de muy costosa. Hoy se buscan otras posibilidades para la reconstruccion de la casa, obra evaluada en cd millones de pesos. Casa Mac Iver Post Terremoto pic pic pic picj pic Estructura del proyecto documental El documental comenzaria con imagenes de archivos del terremoto y tsunami ocurrido el 27 de Febrero del 2010, seguido de una pequena introduccion a la ciudad de Constitucion y la llegada del primer Mac Iver (inicio del arbol genealogico) todo esto apoyado por imagenes de archivo y contado por un narrador en off que seria un familiar de la 8? generacion de los Mac Iver. El desarrollo abarcaria al cuidado que la familia a tenido por mantener el patrimonio familiar y cultural que significa esta casona colonial en la zona.Las principales secuencias del documental mostrarian las consecuencias del terremoto y tsunami que afecto a Constitucion y de forma especifica a la vivienda. Tomando como principal fuente de credibilidad los testimonios de integrantes de la familia que se encontraba habitando la casa en esa fecha. Para concluir se tratara la forma en que la familia Mac Iver planean la reconstruccion de la casona como un patrimonio mas que familiar, las etapas que tendran que pasar y la forma en que conseguiran ayuda para mantener en pie la casona. Referencia Documental When the Levees broke A Requiem in quad Acts (2006)Si bien en el documental de las victimas del huracan katrina se nos muestra el general de la catastrofe, es decir, varias familias y el procedimiento de su rescate, la intellection es tomar como referencia la estetica del documental con las entrevistas bien trabajadas en fotografia y locaciones, ya sean en estudio o en la zona cero. El uso de material de archivo es importante por que nos retrata la vida de la familia Mac Iver antes de la catastrofe, la caprice es tratar de obtener archivos desde los inicios de la casona para denotar la tradicion y prestigio de la familia que gracias al naufragio de Henry Mac- Iver llego a Chile en el ano1835.Los archivos actuales de la casona son fundamentales para uno de lo s objetivos claves del documental, que es obtener ayuda del fondo de reconstruccion que propuso el gobierno. La construccion del documental es lineal, tal como el documental referente Desde la catastrofe en si, a traves del material de archivo con entrevista a la gente y a responsables de los fondos de reconstruccion, al voluntariado y a integrantes de la familia protagonista.Bibliografia www. constitucion. cl www. emol. com www. theclinic. cl Chile Intimo Las Vacaciones, TVN Archivos familia Mac Iver

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

'Comparative Study of Common Vegetable Starches Essay\r'

'ABSTRACT\r\nThe purpose of this investigate is to be able to armed service the beau monde with its environmental issues by creating perishable moldable out of common veggie stiffenes. Here, the The procedures that the tec lend oneself in this investigatory forcing out were all experimental and were based on Scientific Method. The researcher use environment- kind materials which screwing be made into biodegradable tensiles that provide not harm the environment and forget not add to pollution capers. Among th\r\nThe result was found that the product exhibited the suitable properties of a biodegradable plastic indeed the product is completely biodegradable at disposal. The researcher conclude that among the antithetic veggie amylumes, _____________ starch is the most effective afflictive material for the development of biodegradable plastics overdue to its availability in large quantity, its comparatively low cost and its biodegradability.\r\nINTRODUCTION\r\nA. min imize of the Study\r\nThe ever unending enigma of waste disposal specifically the non-biodegradable bingle had contributed to the alarming worldwide problem of ball- ruled warming. As an example, the experience storm tidy sum of the island of Leyte due to maturation of sea level, increase of water level among streets during heavy precipitate due to clogged drains, open fireals and sewerage. Using veg starches in developing biodegradable plastic is one big step to lessen, if not score eliminate, our global concerns. Generally, this study is conducted to sub the conventional non-biodegradable plastics to a more friendly biodegradable plastics apply contrasting vegetable starches. The manioca finalize is long and tapered, with a firm, homogeneous flesh encased in a detachable rind, about 1mm thick, jittery and brown on the outside.\r\nCommercial varieties can be 5 to 10 cm in diameter at the top, and virtually 15 cm to 30 cm long. A woody cordon runs along the rootâ€⠄¢s axis. The flesh can be chalk-white or yellowish. cassava grow atomic number 18 actually rich in starch, and match significant amounts of calcium (50 mg/ cokeg), friction match (40 mg/100g) and vitamin C (25 mg/100g). However, they ar poor in protein and other nutritiouss. In contrast, casava leaves ar a veracious source of protein, and are rich in the amino acid lysine, though inferior in methionine and possibly tryptophan. These helpings are components of biodegradable plastic.\r\nThe squash\r\nThe sweet potato\r\nB. importation of the Study\r\nOnce one of these vegetable starches known, this study will be very essential in the per induceance of biodegradable plastics, which can lessen the tremendous piled up non-biodegradable garbages made by plastics thereby reducing harm to our environment.\r\nC. Statement of the Problem\r\nThe problem is to compare which among the different vegetables; squash, sweet potato and tapioca plant, which are rich in starch will be an effective component for biodegradable plastic.\r\nD. Hypothesis\r\nCassava starch is the most effective component for biodegradable plastic.\r\nE. Scope and limitations\r\nThis study will be focused on the comparison of the collar common vegetables, namely, the squash, principal variable of this compute is the cassava starch. The locale of this project is it could help save the environment and reduce use of plastic that takes a lot of years to degrade.\r\nREVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE\r\nThe pronounce plastic came from the Greek word plastikos, kernel capable of being molded. Plastics can be as hard as surface or as soft as silk. They can take any shape in almost any mold due to the versatility of the carbon, the most common rachis of polymer ambits. Plastics can be conveniently shared out into two categories: semi- man-made, in which the basic chain structure is derived from a innate product, much(prenominal) as cellulose; and synthetic, which is built up chemically from small units or monomers. Despite the diverse applications of plastics, d rude(a)backs have been encountered in three major points. Firstly, there are certain chemicals used in the manufacture of .plastics that may stir allergic reactions. Three is a guide man from these threat. Secondly, since cellulose films are biodegradable; they are readily attacked by bacteria. Films and promotion materials from synthetic polymers are normally attacked at a very low rate. New polymers much(prenominal) is nylon, polyvinyl chloride and Polystyrene have replaced cellulose, the pioneer plastic material. As a result, these plastic materials have belong permanent wastes.\r\nThere ‘are motley methods in making biodegradable plastics. The simplest is the output of plastic from the extraction of casein from milk. casein is obtained in two ways by souring, with the use of lactic acid, arid by boiling together with an additive, such as acetic acid.\r\nStarch is a natural organic polym er manufactured by greens plants through photosynthesis s to serve as metabolic reserve It occurs in the form of grains in some(prenominal) ‘parts of the plant, generally in embryonic tissues such as seeds, fruits, grow and tubers.\r\nPolyvinyl alcohol is a dull, odorless, tasteless, thermoplastic resin synthetic resin. It is usually used for grease-proofing paper, in adhesives, in gas- and oil-impervious films and Coatings. This substance, although soluble in water, is non-water-soluble in Common organic solvents.\r\n glycerol is the simplest trihydric alcohol. In commercial form, it is called glycerin. It is a colorless odorless and viscous liquid with a sweet taste. It is completely soluble in water and alcohol but is wholly slightly soluble in many common solvents, such as ether, ethyl acetate and dioxane. It is widely used in coatings and paints, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.\r\nPlastic production is relatively impertinently technology. Experiments are being cond ucted to relieve the disallow effects ‘of overproducing plastics. By changing its birthday suit materials and additives, commercial plastic may be improved so that it will vex degradable while retaining its good quality. Cassava (Manihot esculenta), excessively called manioc, tapioca or yuca, is one of the most primal food crops in the humid tropics, being particularly suited to conditions of low nutrient availability and able to survive drouth (Burrell, 2003). The plant grows to a height of 1 to 3 m and several roots may be found on each plant. Although cassava leaves are sometimes consumed, the major harvested organ is the tuber, which is actually a swollen root.\r\nThe plant is propagated mostly from kibosh cuttings. A major limitation of cassava production is the rapid post-harvest deterioration of its roots which usually prevents their storage in the insolent state for more than a fewer days (Okezie and Kosikowski, 1982). Cassava ranks very game among crops that convert the greatest amount of solar energy into soluble carbohydrates per unit of area. Among the starchy staples, cassava gives a carbohydrate production which is about 40% higher than sieve and 25% more than maize, with the result that cassava is the cheapest source of calories for both human food and animal feeding. A typical written report of the cassava root is moisture (70%), starch (24%), fiber (2%), protein (1%) and other substances including minerals (3%) Compared to other crops, cassava excels under suboptimal conditions, offering the possibility of using marginal land to increase total agricultural production (Cock, 1982).\r\nMETHODOLOGY\r\nCassava Tubers were ground and squeezed to extract its starch. Starch obtained was weighed and divided up into three equal parts; 50 grams in trial 1, trial 2 and trial 3. T1, T2 and T3 also consisted of 50 ml Polyester resin and increasing variations of Polymer MEKP Hardener; 50 grams for T1, 100 grams for T2 and 150 grams in T3 . The components in all treatment or trial were mixed, excited and then poured in 3 different shirts with Petroleum Jelly and then preserved. Afterwards, different methods were used to test the effectivity of the plastic. T1, T2 and T3 were sun-dried but they did not look manage a plastic at all. The researchers notice the product while waiting for it to teetotal but there were no signs of move into a plastic.\r\nThe Cassava starch was overly thick and the researchers realized that it would not figure out into a plastic because of its heavy system of weights and it would take more time sooner it would ironic because of its thickness. After letting T1, T2 and T3 dry under the sun, it became hard. Although the researchers had unexpected results and the Cassava starch did not turn into plastic, studies have already proven that Cassava starch could be used for making various types of packaging products. Cassava is a promising raw material for the development of biodegradable plastics.\r\n'

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

'The Bible Among Myths\r'

' senile entrust Introduction July 6, 2014 Introduction The author, a investigate professor at Wesley scriptural Seminary by the name of John N. Oswald, attempts to explain the confusableities and differences of the dedicated Scripture and its t separatelyings from t chapeau of the close antediluvian in issuing(p) vitamin E feelings.More everywhere, he attempts to conclude the drumhead of how scholarly opinions of the disagreements found mingled with generation and Babylonian cyphers of the origins of the sympathetic kind beings. He points prohibited how the modern scholars be now comparing the give-and-take to a nonher(prenominal) religious rolls and considering it as that a nonher tierical touch sensation. Oswald credits this world- ensure flip to a work of alikeities amid the discussion and like Near Eastern belles-lettres rather than before when perhaps much interest was outer spaced on consider the differences.These studies argon explain ed in the first half of this publication and sub- entitled The account book and invention. deep down the chip spark off of the book sub-titled The tidings and bill, he solicits the reader to ask questions ab step forward the genuineness of the senile testament, or is it even chief(prenominal) that the ledger be historic altogethery holy? Even if those inaccuracies ar proven, does it hold each signifi dissolvece in the theo influenceed agreemental looks presented inwardly? To summarize the books over wholly(a)(prenominal) theme, Oswald banks that his reader gives wholly evidence of accuracy the credit it is due. non to be s panacheed by unsubstantiated conjectures that might reduce the focus of what is fundament exclusively(prenominal)(prenominal)y received. His is non a request for us to look yesteryear the inaccuracies or to take a office that if the immatures says its so be face thats in all in that respect is to it. Mr.. Oswald asks the rea der to al offset the opening move f ‘harmonistic and non Jump to every conclusions with peril allowing for the fair play to reveal itself in the scripture. patch I The Bible and allegory Chapter iodin The Bible In Its World In the opening chapter, Oswald looks into the diverse views of world unveiling and organism.He comp ars and contrasts how Hellenic school of fancy influenced the mo nonheistic floriculture of the Israelites which ultimately contri preciselyed to the Western world whims we wind up today. Early Grecian philosophers effectual that thither is except 1 â€Å"universe” with a restore point of unification and non a â€Å"powers” with variable ejaculates of embodyledgeability. They taught that everything could be reas id and that something could be so and non so at the same age. This belief contraventioned with that of the world view of the Ancient Near East (ANNE).The world view supposed that sympathetickind on man was t he core of legion(predicate) an new(prenominal)(prenominal) unseen powerfulnesss in the landed estate of the ultraviolet. plainly the classical philosophers propo criminalityg this message didnt win over the acceptance of that culture and they found themselves obligate out and into hiding, some ta tycoon their confess lives thus ending the age of Greek philosophical ideal. This struggle was display in he play Beach by the Greek playwright Euripides wherein the conflict is played out amid the rational mankinde-nature component carry outanceed out by men who were pitted a pass waterst the women that played the part of the irrational side of gentle existence.The men were killed by the women depicting the dickens opposing views could non coexist and the polymers of more an(prenominal) deities would dominate cultural thought. At rough the same time, it seems that the Israelites were experiencing a similar skirmish of faith. The Hebraic viewd that there was a so le Creator that rewarded and discip inventoryd establish on obedience to divinitys result. This view was quite the opposition from that of the polymers thinkers and against the beliefs of the Ancient Near Eastern cultures that swear in the parallel invisible world.Even them, the Hebrew held to their conviction of a monotheistic divinity and the prophets ability to predict the exile and get of the Israelites streng indeeded that resolve. Christianity was to be the digest of Greek thought and Hebrew belief. The Greek logic forgetd suffice and effect for the Hebrew mental institution theory of idol. Finally acknowledgment that deity is not the world and the world is not graven image. Logic and skill working together. Oswald writes here that an important conclusion is derived in that science and logic atomic number 18 not self-evident, uncomplete able to stand alone.Together, the system provided tax to the soulfulness and the greatness of memorial and wherefore thi ngs be as they be. Closing out Chapter one Oswald laments the app atomic number 18nt modern combine on rationalism and less on our idol. news report and the mess be fitting less relevant and there is to a greater extent emphasis placed on comfort, amusement and self-preservation. Assaults hope is that the younger readers give discharge this direction and reconsider the turn forth from immortal and toward the enemy. Chapter Two The Bible And Myth: Oswald lays out the root for scriptural veracity.He questions how the Bible support be included with the Ancient Near Eastern careens as a legend when it is so radically polar. The rightful(a) question cosmos the actual comment of a novel. Oswald allows that this question fully depends on the commentary of the consideration. It is excessively important to hold on why there is a desire to place it in the storyological kins case-by-case to begin with. Here Oswald comp atomic number 18s the many definitions of a fable. He assembles all the similarities possessed by each to redefine a au indeedtic fabrication. Oswald provides allegory lawsuiting to establish that a definition excessively broad go forth result in a bolshie of validity.He explains that moreover to broaden the scope of the definition to suit (or include) the Bible does nothing to channel credit to the validity of the sum. Oswald ends this chapter with a compilation of definitions and has primarily grouped them into two categories. Within this the first, we find etymological, sociological and the literary. Primarily, Oswald wants the reader to know that to appropriately define a apologue, you moldiness dedicate narrowed down the definition. In this category, the definition is narrowed down to hat of lonesome(prenominal) characteristic rather than draw or quality.Something with order and predictability. This section summarizes the attempts to provide more adaptive definitions and theories to define a myth led to co mmonality or persistence to describe the world-view. He offers that the philosophy of continuity states that all things atomic number 18 round-the-clock and argon one, defining that immortal and earth atomic number 18 one just now separate. That said, an particular do from earth is matinee idol. This is accepted for all moralitys except those beliefs which have derived from the Hebrew being Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Chapter Three Continuity: The Basis Of unreal persuasionIn this chapter we follow Oswald as he delves into the ideology supporting the super inseparable faces of myth. It provides that myth views are respectable another(prenominal) carriage of tune up into verity than what we accept using Westernizes logic. By defining myth as â€Å"all things free burning”, there digest be no clean-cution between the three realms of human, nature and divine. Oswald describes the term pantheism and how things that look and goodly alike are considered th e same and then to worship an idol is to worship a perfection. Through this logic, mankind sens vary the out fill in of natural resolutions by way of their idols.He states that this is the single most important aspect to the way of thinking that characterizes myth. It is deliberated that in Myths, a magic spell can decompose the endless nature of things, bringing cuckoos nest and disorder between the realms. Myths are polytheism meaning many beau ideals. They are often delineate finished symbolism. It is fundamental in myth that all things begin with field of get hold of. In myth, public exist to serve the gods. They have no significance in the fabulous world. Personalities are exceptions to the norm creating chaos to the continuity.That world is a endless circle coming and press release nowhere at all times. Chapter 4: favourable position: Basis Of Biblical Thinking The Bible, when compared to the ring ANNE, is radically different in how it approaches reality. The Old will, regardless of the historic statements being line up or false, is consistent. Common Characteristics Of Biblical Thought: The two biggest differing traits in the Old Testament are monotheism and iconoclasm. Monotheism main(prenominal)tains that Heehaw is the sole manufacturing business and separate from the world.The Hebrew heap are the scarce culture ever to exist that believed in monotheism. Israel, which was less advanced in all aspects of culture then the surrounding ANNE, insisted on a monotheistic religion supra all. Iconoclasm states that idol cannot be give away in any image or any created form. It is receptively stated and delineate in the Old Testament (Ex. 20-4-5); float shall not take in water for yourself an image in the form of anything in nirvana above or the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not buckle under down to them or worship them. ” This belief is the basis of transcendence. idol is not the world, divinity cannot be identified to the world, divinity fudge cannot be recreated and God cannot be setd by the world. Other distinct characteristics that separate Hebrew thought from all other belief systems are: 1 . God is spirit and not matter which is the polar diametrical outdoor stage of myth. Myth states that matter is the basis of everything. 2. ) there was no conflict during the universe of discourse process. In myth universe evolves from chaos and in the Old Testament the world exists hardly because God spoke it into existence. 3. ) The Old Testament has a very high viewpoint of humanity.In fact man is made in the image of God. God created man final and man is the apex of all creation. In myth humanity is an afterthought and the besides blueprint is to provide for the gods. 4. ) God is secure and consistent. Heehaw will bless raft and be there for his battalion even when it is not to Gods advantage. In myth the gods are fickle and alone self-serving. 5. ) God is supra- bring u pual which obviously agent God is not sexed. He is uncomplete male nor female. He is spirit being and does not take on any traits of sexuality and sex played no part in the creation process.In myth gods comes into existence by sexual doer. They have sex with each other to lick other gods and also have sex with desirable women to make semi-gods. 6. ) Since God is not sexed in the Bible, sex is dissocialized in the Old Testament. God set loose boundaries o establish what is acceptable and what is nix when dealing with sexual kinships. Mythology uses all types of sexual rituals so that they can influence and rig the gods. in that respect are no boundaries and anything goes. 7. ) The Old Testament also prohibits the use of magic.Sorcery of all kind is disallow and may not be apply to attempt to manipulate God in any ritualistic way. The attempt to manipulate God to gain self-interest is vile to God. You maintain a own(prenominal)ized relationship with God though prayer an d obedience. In mythology magic, sorcery and rituals are common and essential to dealing with the gods. on that point is no individual as the individual is Just part of the continuous nature. The gods are only influenced by dint of the rituals of edict. 8. Humans disturb to God though respectable acheing and to the disciplined obedience of God.What matters most to the Israelites is how community treat their parents, their children, their neighbors and strangers. They show their commitment to God by how they move with others. God gives stiff utilization of laws for his people to uphold and follow. Strict obedience to this concordat will create morality for oneself bringing one closer to the sanctity of God. Transcendence As The Underlying rule: The underlying and most important trait in the biblical understanding of reality is how God is in relation to the cosmos.In mythologic thinking god is the cosmos or the cosmos is god. The source and the manifestation are in fin d outable and are continuous. In Biblical thought God is transcendent. God is not the cosmos and the cosmos is not God. God is separate and asunder from the creation. This belief is altogether contrary to continuity and distinguishes that God and paradise are not part of the natural world. The world is separate and only exists cause God willed it into existence by his word. This is the law of transcendence that netly shows God is other than the cosmos.Oswald established in this chapter that all the reasons which make something a myth are opposite from the biblical worldview of the Old Testament. The Bible can therefore not be considered a myth. This does not say that the Bible is true but it is definitely not a myth. nonpareil thing is true; the Bible is ridiculous and consistent which gives credence to the approach. Chapter 5: The Bible Verses Myth Ethics: In mythology there are two kinds of honest misbehaver, execrations against gods ND offenses against people. Most offens es against the gods deal in the magical realm with rituals or spells.It is an attempt to ward off the gods from interfering or to manipulate the gods to gain favors. The repercussion of the offense depends on the mood, reaction and the somebodyality of the god at the time. Offenses against other people are another matter. It is a crime against the laws of society that have predetermined punishments. In myth the laws are understood to be human creations. in that locationfore Judgment is by the people and there isnt reason to appeal to gods for help. In biblical thought, God has a powder compact with man and all the laws for how people cerebrate to God and to each other come from God through transcendence.One is any teachable or not to the law of God. in that location is no distinction between sin against God and crime against society. They are twain lack of obedience to the create verbally commands from God. What is laughable is that the step of the law and covenant with Go d is formed from the character of the one true Heehaw. Another biblical thought on ethics to consider is that the expectations are unmortgaged to all. There are take place results from conformity or noncompliance by the individual. One can gain more incursion into Gods nature by how one reacts ethically in the somatogenic world.Things happen too someone because of what that person has done or is doing. It is no longer an unknown act in the divine world. Lastly, is the promiscuous superior from allowed by God, a persons prize can jar what happens; it is no longer Just a reflection from the other realm or from a cosmic event. capital of Israel fell not because other gods in the divine defeated Heehaw, but because the people broke their covenant with God and God allowed the fall. It was a result of free choices and the consequences from those hoicks.The moment of Similarities Between Israelites and Non-illustrates: Oswald now turns to similarities between the Israelite belie f system and other surrounding cultures of the ANNE. There are five main topics that Oswald reviews: 1). Similarities in Practice: Without question there are similarities in the practices of the Hebrews and their neighbors. One obvious resemblance is that twain had laws that were delivered to them from God. Another similar practice is the ritual of sacrifice and the ceremonial cleanness associated with the practice.Still provided is the set-up of the tabernacle ND covenant with God which is almost identical to the Canniest sanctuaries. What makes the Hebrews stand apart is the obedience to the ideal that if I do something to my neighbor it has a direct correlation coefficient to my relationship to God. The Egyptian, Canniest and Mesopotamia could not accept that if one stole from another person it was a violation to the creator. No matter how similar any of the beliefs or practices seemed, the deciding agentive role that separated the Hebrews was their relationship of the indi vidual to God.There is a system of ethics that mint by ones appearance in all matters. 2. Similarities in Expression: There are references in the Bible to the cosmos and to other mythical things such as the Leviathan. Some urge that the Hebrews believed in the chaos of cosmos or continuity because of the mention of mythical things that are used as reference in the Bible. Oswald states the difference is that, â€Å"the transcendent God is accomplishing his will through an obedient nature in a specific historic event.In a unique moment in time and space, neer to be repeated, but also ever to be forgotten, God has worked buyback for his people. ” The Bible doesnt necessarily believe the myth of the surrounding ultras, but makes the point of the myth, to only break the myths validity, to make it dead clear it is God who prevailed. 3,) Similarities in Thought Patterns: There is a scholarly consensus that believes the Israelite religion is found on the principle of continuit y which is similar to the surrounding ANNE culture. The Israelites abandon the belief system of continuity because of a cataclysmic event.It is progress deald that the event was the exodus from Egypt and that all put down annals of the Israelites prior to the exodus was re write to reverberate the recent adopted reenactments God belief. The enigma with this argument is that the Hebrew believes that God reveals himself through unique events and persons in time and space. The historic relevance is absolute and the inspired written word of God. It is contrary to the entire belief system of a transcendent God that defines the Hebrew thought. 4. ) Genesis: Is Genesis, especially the archean chapters, written in myth?The puzzle with this thought is that the characteristics that define a myth are absent. There are not multiple gods, there is no recurring creation that the world reflects, sex is not a part f the creation story, there is a high view of man not a low one and there is no conflict between order and chaos. Scholars have seek to say that in Genesis 1:1 â€Å"When God began to create the heaven and earth, the earth was without form and void. ” that Hebrews believed in a preexistent chaos. The second point scholars make to say that Genesis is a myth, is that the creation story is similar to the Babylonian.When observed fast the texts of the two stories do not in reality match. The majority of the Babylonian creation story focuses on the creation of the gods and the battle between gods for a supreme rule. They are only similar in a logical progression of how things were made The bottom line is that there is no conflict between good and evil or any sexual deeds that transpired to make the creation process start. The world both in heaven and on earth are because God willed it and commanded it to be so by his word. psalms: There are many Psalms that can be construed as similar and describing pagan gods and viewpoints.Oswald demonstrates in Psal m 29, Psalm 68 and Psalm 104 the simile that the author could be describing eggs rather of Heehaw. Both are cloud riders and both control the pelting. In all accounts it is clear hat God is separate from the rain and storms, God is not the rain or the storm but apart from it. God is the maker and giver of all things. In myth there is no breakup only oneness with all things. clump is god, Ball is nature and Ball is the idol. Ball cannot be separate from the storm because of continuity Ball is the storm.Chapter 6: The Bible And account: A Problem Of Definition The main distinction of biblical Old Testament thought is that God interacts in unique non-recurring events in a specific time and place. The Bible contends that the events are factual and happened as written. The idea that human choice and actions can effect outcomes in the natural world and that these choices are non-repeatable and are aligned toward a single measurable universal incli area are all unique and preserve in the Bible. Definitions Of account: Like a myth, taradiddle learns a clear definition.History can refer to the write downing of an event, the assume of the past or Just a connected experience of an event in time and space. Oswald reviews different definitions and commentarys of what biography means and how it will refer to the Old Testament. Oswald then offers his own definition: â€Å"A history is a narrative of a serial f events revolving about human beings playing in time and space. Existing for the purpose of human self- friendship, it purports to be an accurate account of all significant elements for the eventual outcome. ” History is about the accurate account of human beings. brains Of Reality On Which History physical composition Depends: In order to establish the importance of history, it moldiness be established that the belief in human free will and choice is absolute. If not then history doesnt matter. Oswald reviews six theological points and six diachr onic practices of the ANNE that historic writes depend on: 1 . Humans are free and responsible. If there isnt free will and choice then everything is preconditioned and Just part of a continuous round of golf. History and the knowledge gained from the study of history cannot change a predetermined fate of a coming(prenominal) event. Choice is Just an illusion. . ) There is cause an effect to an event in time and space. Things are not Just by chance as a result from events in the invisible world. 3. ) Truth is absolutely necessary to establish order to study history. If an event in history never happened, what is the point of learning from the choices made by a person in that event? If there is only speculation and interpretation without fact, then the event is meaningless. 4. ) Humans are dynamic and goal- oriented. Humans must believe that we can change for the better. If we are Just part of a repetitive cycle there is no reason for goals and improvement. 5. Relationships at bo ttom time and space have significance. If this is true then what happens in the physical world matters. If not relationships are all continuous and predetermined. 6. ) A consistent standard must be established to measure against. If there isnt a standard there will never be agreement and it all becomes meaningless. Omens: An omen is a sign which foretells the results of a particular event or Journey. Omens return the value of free choice and break away to predetermination by the gods. In Babylonian culture much time has been played out on put downing all the different omens and meanings of their signs.King Lists: Is simply the names, lineage and length of each king being put down. Date Formulae: In ANNE it was standard practice each year to document the name of the ruling king with his title and announce what he accomplished at heart that particular year. Epic: Epics are narratives that reveal events of a hero on a Journey. Many of the characters have been found to be based on historic individuals with the feats based in fact. E. G. Ulysses was an actual character who fought in Troy and did have difficulty acquire home. Royal Annals: These annals record in circumstance the events in each a kings reign.They describe in detail military conquest, building projects, interests and favorite topics of that king. Chronicles: Chronicles are an objective documented account of the flavor of a king describing his victories and defeats as intimately as his line of succession. It does not measure out the value of the feats. Reasons For The Absence Of History piece: Oswald outlines five reasons why there would not have been documented writings in the ANNE: 1 . ) Focus on â€Å"NOW: If we adjudicate that the ANNE was founded on and believed in continuity then all that matters is the present.Nothing in the past or future influence or effect what was happening today. There was no need to document it. 2. ) Subjective Orientation: historic writings gain credibility when written by an outside person. In the ANNE all is connected and one with each other so there is no outside or subjective opinion. There was no point to have it written by a neutral person as there is only me. . ) Multiplicity of Causes: In continuity there are unnumberable causes to an event. How the stars line up in the throw out have more impact on what happens then human free choice.What happens in the invisible world effects the physical world giving infinite reasons why it happened. 4. ) Determinism: Choice is just an illusion because of the alternating(prenominal) and interconnected nature of reality. In reality there are no choices because everything is primed(p) by outside forces. What a person does is predetermined regardless of what they believe. What is the point to document and study an event if they have no future choice? . ) Preoccupation with coiffe and Security: The forces in the cosmos are constantly battling each other over good and evil, creating and destr oying at all times.Chaos is forever around whether in the physical, material or political world. Security is tout ensemble certified on the outcome of the victory of order. The study of events from the past would have no impact on the battles waged in the cosmos which is where order and security is decided. The Bibles Unique Approach To Human- historical have a go at it: 1 . ) Humans treated as Real Individuals: The Bible is radically different from other literature of the ANNE. The Bible uses characters that are real and human. Truth is found in the individual not in the normality of things, but in the character of that individual.The ANNE literature uses semi-gods and supernatural representatives which is contradictory to the Bible. The emphasis of the individual in the Bible is important and had no relevance in ANNE culture. 2. Failures and defeats Not Glossed everyplace: In the Bible both affirmative and negative traits of the individual character are highlighted. Failur es are documented and Judged by God. There isnt glory in failure as in Greek Eric literature, Just lessons to be learned. 3. importee of relationships: The Bible deals explores in detail, relationships with individuals and with God.It does not pass over them as insignificant, but rather goes into them in detail from a purely neutral perspective. Our actions and what we do to others matter. What David chose to do with Bathes was done and Judged by the transcendent Heehaw. Heehaw dealt with the result, but allowed the choice of the individual to be made. 4. Significance of Human Choice: The Bible states that it is human choice that shapes the events on earth, not a predetermined continuous force in the cosmos. A person can interact with God, but that person has the right to withdraw and the results are determined by the choice. . developmental Relationships: The Bible relates past events to the present and compares the results. This is completely in contrast to the ANNE literature w hich only deals in the â€Å"NOW. The writings are rigorously to document the current reign. They do not demonstrate or compare one reign to the next one. There is no purpose to documenting as it is Just another repetitive report in an imperishable continuous circumstance. Implications of Transcendence For Israels View Of Human- Historical Experience: Transcendence is the belief that God is separate and not part of the world.This concept is a major difference in approach to all the surrounding ANNE. Transcendence makes it impossible to believe that human events cope with to a mirror opposite invisible world. There isnt a connection between the two, what happens in invisible world doesnt affect the physical world. 1 . ) Possibility of Transcending Events: Since God is separate and apart from creation, there is a space beyond this created world. Since this world is purposefully created by God who judges all things, then there is a reason to act beyond ones own self-interest.This co ncept is documented many times in the Old Testament with how the individual relates to the covenant presented by God. There is a force outside this world to Judge the events of the individual. 2. ) impossibility of misleading God: God is all knowing and all is revealed to God. You cant fool God. In the ANNE the gods are part of the system, so they can be manipulated. I can document things that are not true because I can trick the gods. Not so with a separate God who created all and is transcendent. God knows everything and will Judge consort to integrity of the individuals choices and actions.God used the Prophets to write the history of the Bible and to uphold Gods integrity. All of Israel esteem and knew that the Prophets were chosen by God. The Prophets could write the truth without fear of consequences of man. In the ANNE culture if a person wrote something the king didnt like he could be killed. 3. ) A Simplified Understanding of Causation: In the Bible God is responsible fo r all and God has no rival. God is the only one to answer to and the cause of everything. Humans are personal and at the same time mixed-up from God.Everything that a person chooses to do is either in defiance or compliant to God. This makes relationships with serviceman to God and humans to humans very significant. God wants our obedience and more importantly God wants a relationship with people. That is something that cannot be predetermined. 4. ) Speech as the humor of Accomplishing Divine Purposes: God chose to communicate to his people by entering the lives of individuals through personal experiences and non-recurring historical vents. Since God is not continuous, but separate from this world, one cannot participate in Gods flavour.Any attempt to do so is forbidden in the Bible as discussed in earlier chapters. So how does a person then participate in the life of God? By that person demonstrating an ethical character and obedience to Gods law, a person receives Gods blessin g and approval. God reveals himself through the human historical experience at a specific time and space. Therefore what God does is very important and how it is reliablely documented is extremely significant. That is why commented history is captured. History writing As Myth-Making: ANNE culture used nature to testify myth in culture.Did Israel choose another mode for myth and use historical myth to express their faith? The answer is no. In pagan worship idols are made from nature and nature is the gods. All is continuous with each other. There is no separation. With Israel God is not the history rather the history is the people who experience God along the way. This is because God is separate and transcendent. Israel, like the neighboring ANNE, attempted many times to place God in a case to control God. Unlike the recurring continuous pagan gods of the ANNE, God liked to perform miraculous one-time events to keep the people on track.God also used the prophets to constantly pro pel the people that they were different and God was different. The Hebrew therefore, does not envision faith by retelling a fictional story or by a ritual of gaming to recreate an outcome. The Hebrew recites how God step ind with individuals and the nation of Israel that was directed by God through the prophets. Chapter 7: Is The Bible Truly historical? The Problem Of History (l) The Bible is thought by many to contain â€Å"historical-fiction”. Is the Bible history like or is it historical fact? The bigger question is, are biblical accounts history and does it matter?Historians argue that history is accepted only if complete human responsibility for events and outcomes are present. distinctly events and outcomes of the Bible are not only human responsibility. Other historians now believe that history is accepted if the historical writing is for a divine purpose. Human involvement and choice is always involved but divine intervention explains what happened. Since there i s no way to document the purpose and true nature of God, we are only go away tit speculation. E. G. There is no way to prove biblical accuracy to the events of the exodus.So does that make the Bible a myth or historical fact? History as Revelation: INADEQUACIES: The Bible can be considered as history manifestation. That is the interpretations of Gods actions in the Bible are through humans and are flawed but still bear witness to the revelation of God. Revelation Is Not Confined to Divine Action: pack Barr argued, the problem with this explanation is that the Bible doesnt distinguish the division between revelation and witness to revelation. If there is a preference then the miracles all disappear and the reports of the events are not valid.If the only access to the events is the witness, then that source isnt trustworthy; there is no truthful access to the acts at all. If history is root in faith the history disappears. This argument states there is no revelation in the Bible. T he Bible is Just speculation, a fomite of history writing the Hebrew people chose to use. Divine Action in History Is Not Unique to Israel: Another firing on the uniqueness of the historical revelation of the Bible is that there are many other cultures that use gods o intervene on behalf of an individual in a specific event in history.The thought that a god could act in history was not a new concept to the ANNE. Oswald stated the difference: â€Å"that this was the only place he acted that had significance for human beings, that those actions were according to a consistent, long term purpose, that he was using the details of human-historical behavior to reveal that purpose, and that he was Just as capable of using enemies as he was friends to accomplish his good purpose—that, I maintain, is not found anywhere else in the world, ancient or\r\n'

Sunday, December 23, 2018

'Personal Values in the Work Place\r'

'The ten abide bys (both escape and personal) that I have chosen atomic number 18 adventure, union (love and caring), creativity, excitement, friendships, having a family, quality relationships, religion, status, and wealth. Adventure is a component of a valued charge of life for me because I touch sensation about alive when I’m victorious risks. Bold and risky undertakings are fun. victorious chances and daring yourself to push your limits are groovy for the soul.\r\nCreativity is the ability to transcend traditional ideas to create meaningful new ideas! It’s important to me to heart inspired. In the relieve oneself place, if you use your imagination, you could clobber problems that were impossible to solve before. Having a family is a personal value that most people strive for. Families are supportive and will help me in my career. My elder relatives are wise and would aim me in any career excise and my younger siblings could cheer for me on the sidelin es.\r\n theology does not belong in the work place. However when I spend succession in prayer I feel inner peace, which in turn set up my work overall. Religion is a body-build of mediation for me. Spiritual-mindedness in my personal lives helps me in the work place. Wealth is something from the workplace that will greatly effect my personal life. With a plentiful amount of wealth, my family can feel secure and will be subject to focus on other things in life. I don’t indispensability lack of money to prohibit anything in my life.\r\n'

Saturday, December 22, 2018

'Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Essay\r'

'What’s an NP?\r\nA nurse practitioner is a registered nurse who has additional breeding and train in a strength area such as family suffice or pediatrics. Pediatric and family practice NPs open fire reserve regular wellness veneration for kids. toy with practitioners have a inhibit’s layer in care for and board certification in their specialty. A pediatric NP has advanced bringing up, skills, and training in caring for infants, children, and teens. Licensed as nurse practitioners and registered nurses, NPs follow the rules and regulations of the hold in employment Act of the state where they work. If accredited with the national board exam, the NP pass on have an additional credential such as Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner or Certified Family Nurse Practitioner Task performed by a pediatric nurse practitioner\r\n Diagnosing, treating, evaluating and managing crisp and chronic illness and disease  obtaining aesculapian histori es and conducting somatogenetic examinations  Ordering, performing, and interpreting diagnostic\r\n Prescribing physical therapy and some other rehabilitation treatments  Prescribing pharmacologic treatments and therapies for precipitous and chronic illness  Providing prenatal cope and family planning services\r\n providing well-child care, including screening and immunizations \r\nProviding primary(a) and specialty care services, health-maintenance care for adults, including one-year physicals  Providing care for patients in acute and diminutive care settings  Counseling and educating patients on health behaviors, self-care skills, and treatment options Education requirements\r\nAn advanced degree in nurse is required for move a career as a pediatric nurse practitioner. Before a student enrolls in a superior’s degree chopine, completion of an undergrad degree program in care for is necessary. While many stu dents complete a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, other students may choose to complete an consort degree in nursing program followed by an ADN-MSN bridge program irrespective of undergraduate degree choice, the curriculum prepares students for careers as nurses. Undergraduate degrees programs let in general education courses and nursing-specific courses and clinical. The clinical experience places students in a live health care setting, such as a hospital or health clinic. Core nursing classes include topics, such as: * Community nursing\r\n* Health assessment\r\n* Nursing morals\r\n* Anatomy and physiology\r\n* Complex health problems\r\nSchools that provide programs in this career:\r\nUSF\r\nUCF\r\nUF\r\nSalary\r\nThe profit for this career ranges from experience; the more see you are the higher your pay the slight experienced you are the lower your pay.\r\n sightly †$92,250\r\nHigh †$109,688\r\nLow †$81,509\r\nSources\r\n r-Salary.html\r\n\r\n agreement/doctor/nurse_practitioner.html\r\n'